MetalSwap Release: XMT Airdrop
In recent months, MetalSwap has released two public testnets: one for the Recall Pool feature,...

In recent months, MetalSwap has released two public testnets: one for the Recall Pool feature,...
After a fruitful testing phase in which significant improvements were made to the feature, the...
Today marks a significant milestone for MetalSwap as the team is excited to announce the launch of a
Following a fruitful testing phase that saw the creation of 6 different Recall Pools in the Mumbai...
The MetalSwap team is proud to announce the release of the new Recall Pool in its Testnet Phase.
It seems incredible, but two years have already passed since, on November 19, 2021, the XMT token...
MetalSwap's dApp Lands on Optimism's Layer-2: Welcome to a New Era of Hedging Swaps
Dear MetalSwap...
Dear MetalSwap community, we are thrilled to announce an exciting new development for our...
Today, we will continue our journey of exploring the Conceptual Development Map that we introduced...
Do you remember our recent blog post on the Conceptual Development Map? Today, we'll delve deeper...