MetalSwap, the pioneering dApp in Hedging Contracts within DeFi, has always been at the forefront of innovation. While the platform offers a seamless experience for users looking to hedge against asset volatility, we're more than just a pretty interface. Today, in the "Unveil MetalSwap" series, we delve into the heart of MetalSwap's technology, showcasing how its protocol operates even without a frontend and our strides in decentralizing the whole infrastructure.
MetalSwap: Not Just a Frontend
While MetalSwap’s frontend provides an intuitive and user-friendly experience, the true power of the dApp lies in its underlying smart contracts. These contracts allow users to interact directly with the protocol, bypassing the need for a frontend entirely.
Address of the contracts are listed in the MetalSwap docs page
The audited code is also present on Github , and it’s also published on ImmuneFi to catch interest from “white hat hackers”.
This direct interaction ensures that even if the main frontend faces issues, users can still utilize MetalSwap's functionalities without interruption.
Decentralizing with ICP Technology
In our commitment to decentralization, the DeFi Foundation has taken a significant leap by deploying our frontend on the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) system.
Soon this link will lead to the updated graphic version of the dApp.
Furthermore, the open nature of our protocol means that anyone can develop an alternative frontend to interact with our smart contracts. This fosters a community-driven approach, allowing for innovation and improvements from the broader DeFi community.
What is ICP
The Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) is central to the transition towards Web 3.0, advocating for decentralization and user-centric web services. Key points include:
In Conclusion
MetalSwap is more than just a dApp; it's a robust protocol designed for flexibility, resilience, and decentralization. While our frontend offers a streamlined experience, the true essence of MetalSwap lies in its foundational smart contracts and our commitment to a decentralized future.
If you're a developer or enthusiast interested in creating an alternative frontend or have suggestions for our platform, we invite you to join our official forum. Let's shape the future of DeFi together.
-The DeFi Foundation
✎ About MetalSwap
MetalSwap is a decentralized platform that pioneers Hedging Contracts in the financial markets. Our mission is to provide coverage for digital asset operators and investment opportunities for liquidity contributors. With MetalSwap, we're revolutionizing the DeFi landscape with AMM-style Hedging Contracts.